I fucking love Quake. It eclipsed into my life and fucking nailed my expectations on how games should be. This legendary title, developed and released in ’96 by the tech wizards over at ID Software blew, not only my balls away, but the entire gaming industry’s balls away, as the Id Tech 2 engine was, like, the best way of rendering polygons ever cuz it was developed by the 4th dimensional being that could (if it was real lol) rewrite the code of the matrix we all live in. Sure, he got help from Michael Abrash but still, impressive as fuck for a tiny brained worm like me, especially for the time.

                                                                                            Your 90's computer on Quake(your 90's computer running Quake)

        The gameplay itself is nothing to write home about, its basically 3D Doom. Collecting keys, killing monsters, getting out alive, all of this done in a more toned down manner cuz unlike Doom, the game couldn’t process hundreds of monsters in a fully 3D environment without having your house burn down due to your computer catching on fire. But now with the help of better PC’s and sexy mods that make the game better, all of this is possible (Arcane Dimensions is so good y’all).



       The soundtrack will probably not put the shit inside your pants but it may disturb you, which is good because it helps with the atmosphere. Composed by the legendary mofos over at NIN, Quake’s ost is good, that’s it.


I’ve put, I think, over 100 hours into Quake’s campaign, different expansions, multiplayer and sexy mods, and I can 100% guarantee that it will make your dick and clit bigger. This game emanates such “big dick energy” it will give you “big dick PAIN”. By the time you will be done with Quake, you will have so much testosterone that you will make all the trans girls you know jealous of you.

I’ve downloaded it for free a while ago on a file sharing website, played it, loved it so much that I even payed 3 euros to own it on Steam.

                                      (you after playing Quake)


Quake for me is a solid 666.69/10  would absolutely recommend.




also, if you want to play mods you may need a different source port (custom game engine) for the game. Try out QuakeSpasm-Spiked, its good. To download mods, go to Quaddicted.com it’s a very nice repertoire that contains Quake mods all the way from the early 2000’s.